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Hamilton NY Democratic Party
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Democracy and Drinks
meet with like-minded individuals

Wednesday, February 19
5:00 - 6:30 pm

Seven Oaks Grill
2 East Lake Road, Hamilton NY

Hamilton Democrats will have a table
at the Hamilton Farmers Market
 May and June, and September to November
See you next May.

Sign up here for our mailing list to get updates
on the local, state and national elections.

Quick Links:

     Madison County, NY Board of Elections    

     Madison County Democratic Committee

     New York State Democratic Party            

     National Democratic Party (DNC)

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Our Mission: The Town of Hamilton Democrats are committed to secure the blessings of liberty and justice at home and to promote them abroad.  We embrace democratic, liberal, and progressive principles as well as genuinely conservative principles in taking positions on local, state, national and international issues.


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